Yahoo/Msn Lottery Incorporation10 Bina Gardens
South Kensington
London.United Kingdom.Dear Winner
We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded drawsheld on the{1st Of February 2010} by Yahoo/MSN{Hotmail} in conjunctionwith Ipod Worldwide Promotion.Your was among the 20 Lucky winners who won ?1
000.00 GBP{OneMillion Great Britain Pounds} each in the Yahoo/MSN{Microsoft} 2010Online Promo. This draw is being organized to create and improve a largerawareness record for internet users worldwide.However the results were released on the {18th Of February
2010} andyour was attached to ticket number (7PWYZ2008) and ballot number(BT:12052008/20) with Winning number(YM09788) and Reff number.(YM35447XN) The online draws was conducted by a random selection of addresses from an exclusive list of 29
643 E-mail addresses ofindividuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated randomcomputer search from the internet. However
no tickets were sold but all addresses were assigned to different ticket numbers forrepresentation and privacy.The selection process was carried out through random selection in ourcomputerized selection machine (TOPAZ) .This Lottery is approved by the British Gaming Board and also licensed bythe The International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR).This lotteryis the 3rd of its kind and we intend to sensitize the public.To begin the claim processing of your prize you are to contact the OnlineCo-ordinator and provide him with the following informations as statedbelow
so we can proceed with the verification and clearance process ofyour file.
千萬不要填自己的通訊資料 尤其是行動電話號碼保證每兩三天用簡訊煩你過幾天就有放高利貸的黑道公司寄小額貸款的dm給你你要是跟他們借錢就死定了因為在他們肯借錢給你前早就摸清你的所有情況囉這些人有專屬的法律事務所和黑白道等等我們家附近就有兩三個這種雜碎都是30出頭不學好 小有社會經驗 手上有點祖宗留下的臭錢專門放高利貸 成天無所事事像隻禿鷹一樣算計別人這些信可能就是台灣人的詐欺技倆 懂嗎實在看不下去 才在此提醒您這些人成天不學好算計別人 自己也不曉得老天有眼 ㄏㄏㄏ
Lottery Incorporation,Lottery,random selection,ticket number,British Gaming Board,ticket numbers,The International Association of Gaming Regulators,lottery,Reff,TOPAZ