
以下三題是我在考大一經濟學原理的時候考的問題跟折現值 還有利率有關有點搞不太懂折現值意思是什麼 老師上課講很快我都用這個公式(老師上課筆記中) 1.A(1 i)=R 2.A=R/1 i 不過我想問的是A.R哪個是主要在算折現值? 是本金A嗎??有時候都會被搞混 會搞不清楚題目到底是要問A 還是R請高人指點下面題目的中文意思為什麼會選這選項?1.The present value of $100 to be received in a year is A)less than $100 and falls as the interest and rises.B)less than $100 and rises as the interest and rises.C)more than $100 and falls as the interest and rises.D)less than $100 and rises as the interest and rises.Ans:A自己的想法是想是說折現值100元 然後要問本來投資多少的意思嗎??有點看不太懂


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